

Food Security cannot be attained in the absence of water. In this matters water, Food Security Consortium, Takes the issues of climate change, water resources preservation & protection, Water Towers Preservation, supporting and funding Water infrastructure development and the conversion of the Arid-&-Semi-Arid lands into arable and habitable lands for both its people & Livestock

Food Security Consortium-shall take our new-‘Trees’ planting culture’ to the next level by promoting and preserving our water towers. Our Water Towers, Lake Victoria, Cherangani Hills, Kilimanjaro, the Aberdare et al.

Food Security Consortium has invested in the Provision of Clean & Drinkable Water to the People & Livestock Communities in the ASAL areas. Food Security Consortium has two (2) Water Drilling Kits to support this initiative in the Country. Supporting Pastoralists and Livestock have access to clean water

Financing & Funding Water infrastructure development


Kenya is a water-deficient Country. Food Security Consortium shall partner with the Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation, Water Development Agencies, Water Services Providers & Communities to source for technologies, Funds and Equipment to develop water infrastructure and make every home have access to quality drinkable water.