Prof. Catherine Kunyanga, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology, and Associate Dean, Faculty of Agriculture,University of Nairobi. She is also the Coordinator, Food Security Center, a center of excellence. She is also the Coordinator, Food Security Center (FSC). She has spearheaded many assignments on agriculture and food security related issues locally and internationally.
Prof. Catherine Kunyanga has over 13 years of experience in food related issues across different value chains and has taught at UoN on the same for many years including attracting donor funded research projects. She is course instructor, consultant, researcher and mentor as well as a trained food processing and food safety expert both academically and professionally with working experience involving several assignments in food safety, standard development and review; training manual development and training or capacity building of MSMEs, FBOs, Farmers/farmer groups and other stakeholders in food
processing, agribusiness and food safety in a number of assignments and countries. Some of them include African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries namely Kenya, Tanzania,Uganda, Ghana, Botswana, Zambia, Mauritius, Rwanda, Ethiopia among others in the horticultural (fruit and vegetable), milk, tea and coffee, cereals and legumes and livestock sectors. She has supervised many postgraduate students (PhD and MSc) in food safety and
quality with theses and journal articles published in peer reviewed scientific journals on different food value chains. Her research areas include Food Science and Technology, Food Safety, Food and Nutrition Security, Food Biotechnology, Sustainable Food Systems, Postharvest Handling, and Human Nutrition/Health. Her research is still ongoing and contributes towards use of sustainable food systems approach in a holistic, transdisciplinary,
and interdisciplinary approach to promote consumption of the safe and nutritious foods for better nutrition and health outcomes. She is involved in several collaborative projects in various capacities which has provided her with skills in proposal writing, project management
and planning and other competencies. Prof. Kunyanga has been engaged in capacity building and training of the private sector, NGO, Government ministries and SMEs on food safety and food processing/value addition.