Am Alphonce Dzombo Mbaru with a BSc.Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nairobi, an MBA (Strategic Management) from Kenyatta University and a PhD(Strategic Management) Candidate from the JomoKenyatta University of Agriculture &Technology.

I have over 15 years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry both in Kenya and the Eastern African Market and over 10 years in Power plants Construction and Power Generation cutting through Thermal Power plants, Geothermal Power plants and now focused in matters renewable Energy. Am also a Consultant in designing and installation of Oil & Gas infrastructure. I am the Founder & Chief Executive Officer of the Mardin Group of Companies, with Interests in Bulk Fuels Trading, Power Generation, Civil Engineering works, Minerals Trading and Bulk Commodities trading. The Mardin Group of Companies has other interests, through strategic partnerships, in Bulk Water Infrastructure Development, Food & Water Security and Global Entrepreneurship. Teams & StrategicPartnerships are the building blocks of my drive in Global Entrepreneurship.